Strategic Plan

Our Mission, Vision, and Values

Our MissionWe make lives better through connectionsOur Vision成为移动出行领域值得信赖的领导者,为我们的客户和社区提供卓越和价值Our Values我们重视激情、尊重、多样性、诚信、合作和主人翁精神.

Letter from our General Manager and CEO

Headshot of Debra Johnson

As RTD’s General Manager and CEO, 我很荣幸向大家介绍《澳博体育app下载》的最新情况, 该计划于2021年8月首次获得该机构董事会的批准. The original document, which was developed more than two years ago, outlines four Strategic Priorities – Community Value, Customer Excellence, 员工所有权和财务成功——这是RTD计划的功能支柱, develops, evaluates and measures overall performance.

Between the Strategic Plan’s adoption and now, as the needs, 丹佛都会区面临的机遇和挑战不断演变, a reevaluation of the plan has become necessary. While the Strategic Priorities outlined above remain sound, the environment in which the agency now operates has changed. RTD也必须转向,准备和适应新的现实.

在从2022年底开始到2023年全年举行的几次战略会议期间, 各机构领导人以新的视角集体审查了《澳博体育app下载》. After thinking critically about the Strategic Priorities, and considering feedback from employee, customer and community surveys, 这些人建议缩小计划的焦点——相应地,他们团队的努力——到他们期望在取得成功的结果中产生最大差异的计划和策略上.

Emphasis has been placed on the following three priority tactics, as outlined in the revised Strategic Plan: 回归基本,人民的力量和创造一个温馨的交通环境. These tactics align with the Strategic Plan’s overall goals, as well as the agency’s Mission, Vision, and Values. 底线:你看到的这份更新后的战略计划将进一步明确和聚焦于该机构的业务.

就像它所服务的公众一样,RTD的处境与两年前不同. Work and travel patterns have shifted for many customers. Some people use the agency’s system less, others more, 还有一些人在不同的日子或以不同的方式去做. New customers try public transit for the first time every day. 我有幸每天与之共事的敬业员工们一直专注于提供安全服务, consistent, high-quality service that provides value to these customers, and the region as a whole.

I extend my sincere gratitude to RTD’s employees, each of whom is essential to the execution of this plan. Thanks are due as well to the agency’s customers, without whom there would be no need for any of us at RTD, including me. This updated plan – like RTD’s services – is for you. 它展示了通过连接使生活更美好所需的意向性.


Debra A. Johnson

Strategic Priorities

RTD的四个战略重点是用于规划的功能支柱, develop, evaluate, 并衡量该机构在2021-2026年战略计划整个生命周期内的整体绩效.
Community ValueRTD strives to be a strong community partner, 为客户以及更广泛的丹佛都会区提供价值,同时保护地球. Success Outcome: Increase Community Value Index by 5%.
Customer ExcellenceRTD strives to consistently deliver high-quality customer service. Success Outcome: Increase Customer Net Promoter Score by 5%. 
Employee OwnershipRTD旨在吸引和留住高技能和敬业的员工队伍. Success Outcome: Increase Employee Net Promoter Score by 5%.
Financial SuccessRTD非常重视所有财务资源的管理. Success Outcome: 50% of outcome is that RTD spends less money than it receives; and 50% of outcome is that the community believes that it sees value in RTD’s spending.

Strategic Initiatives

《澳博体育app》反映了各方重新聚焦于取得有意义的进展,以取得既定的成功成果. 这些举措已被纳入2024财年预算以及整个机构员工制定的工作计划.

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People Power icon

People Power

Recognizing the critical importance of its people, the agency’s most important resource, in achieving the agency’s mission, RTD寻求积极解决招聘和保留工作的障碍,并培养学习和发展的文化.

Welcoming Transit Environment icon

Welcoming Transit Environment

RTD旨在减少犯罪行为和违反行为准则对机构服务和工作场所的影响, in doing so, 提高社区和员工对RTD财产和车辆的个人和公共安全的认识.

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Asset Management

Definition of Success

  1. 整合管理系统,利用资产信息做出最佳的资产投资决策
  2. Document, communicate, monitor, and deliver the plan
  3. Demonstrate a commitment to rail infrastructure

Action Steps

  1. 创建一个计划,以利用最近对资产信息成熟度(AIM)目标的评估中概述的改进机会
  2. 交付一个系统地消除障碍并增加组织吞吐量的过程
  3. Finalize the plan to address the downtown loop track replacement

Internal Communication

Definition of Success

  1. 提高员工调查中关于以下陈述的同意百分比:我充分了解机构新闻, projects, and initiatives
  2. 在RTD中共享更多有意义的信息,以吸引员工
  3. 确保主管向直接报告和团队提供机构的最新情况
  4. Build a culture of recognition

Action Steps

  1. Review all existing internal communications efforts
  2. Review the process and methods for internal communications
  3. Develop and implement a content submission process
  4. 制定和实施一个计划来衡量成功和跟踪内部沟通的投资回报率
  5. 最终确定并与领导团队分享全面的内部沟通计划

People Power

Employee Recruitment

Definition of Success

  1. Add two full-time recruiters to staff
  2. 在所有学科中实施技能评估计划,以提高技能评估效率
  3. 创建一个可靠的报告仪表盘,帮助RTD在工作场所更好地竞争
  4. Review, analyze, 完善RTD目前的招聘和选拔流程,以加快获得合适的人才, in the right role, 并在适当的时候解决该机构当前和未来的人才空缺

Action Steps

  1. Establish monthly recruitment meetings with hiring managers
  2. Add additional staff to recruiting unit
  3. Create Workday dashboard
  4. Develop and implement the eSkills program

Employee Retention

Definition of Success

  1. Train a minimum of 400 managers and supervisors
  2. Create a culture of training and learning within RTD

Action Steps

  1. Provide training for managers and supervisors
  2. Build learning plans for continuous education
  3. Support all employees with the tools and training they need
  4. Increase managers’ and supervisors’ confidence in their roles

Welcoming Transit Environment

Public Security

Definition of Success

  1. Decrease crime (Group A) by 3%
  2. Improve community net promoter score by five points

Action Steps

  1. 根据每月的犯罪数据分析,雇佣额外的警员
  2. 参加会议,在服务区域内保持高知名度,并实施新技术
  3. 坚持通过环境设计预防犯罪(CPTED)标准

Employee Security

Definition of Success

  1. Decrease crime (Group A) by 3%
  2. Improve employee net promoter score by five points

Action Steps

  1. Implement robust de-escalation training for all bus operators
  2. 董事会考虑更新的客户行为准则
  3. Increase visibility of police officers at crime data locations
  4. Implement live look-in system
  5. 参加安全会议,保持高知名度并实施新技术